10 Tips For Renovating Your Hotel Restaurant

10 Tips For Renovating Your Hotel Restaurant

Renovating your hotel restaurant can refresh your whole property.

If you’re ready to increase revenues at your hotel, take a look at your restaurant. This is a good place to start when examining ways to boost your cash flow and increase business at your hotel.

In this article, we discuss 10 tips for renovating your hotel restaurant so you can rejuvenate or refresh your look.

Diners today are looking for unique eating options. They want an “experience,” a place to feel exotic and out of the ordinary.

If your restaurant doesn’t provide this, you probably aren’t attracting a lot of local traffic or even your own hotel guests.

Yet, before you consider a remodel, you might be wondering just what it will cost you. The good news is that even if your budget is tight, you can make changes to your restaurant that encourage customers to dine with you.

Take a look at your budget, do some research, and make a plan for what it will take to make your restaurant shine. You don’t have to go broke. Ask yourself what your goals are and provide an appropriate budget.

Generally speaking, you can expect to spend $20,000-$100,000 depending on your remodel budget. You can always spend less, but that’s most likely just a new coat of paint.

You can also look at your remodel costs based on your square footage as provided by restaurantowner.com.

Now, let’s look at the 10 tips for renovating your restaurant.

#1: Make a Plan

Before you dive into your renovations, make a list of your goals. (tweet this)

This is the perfect time to do some market research. Visit the competition in town and decide what you like and what you don’t like.

Then, decide what you absolutely have to have and what you can live without. You might find you have a list of non-negotiable items you must have and some that you can do without.

To help you decide what’s important, here are a few tips:

  • Choose high-impact elements for the best use of your dollar.
  • Paint and finishes can result in a totally different look.
  • Consider changing your lighting and upholstery.
  • Refresh your landscaping.
  • Deep clean your restaurant.
  • Incorporate a feature wall for ambiance. This allows you to spend a little for big impact.

#2: Outline Your Budget

The fact is that remodels and renovations always cost more than you think. For example, you might be removing wallpaper only to find some mold you need to remove.

It’s your job to manage your budget while knowing how much you’re willing to go over. The best way to do this is with a contingency budget. So, if you can spend $50,000, set $10,000 aside for your contingency plan and $40,000 for your actual remodel.

This can help you manage your budget and your priorities.

Always know the budget that you can spend and set it apart from your dream budget – the one you want to spend.

#3: Consider Revenue Generators

When deciding what portion of your restaurant to renovate, your bar and your dining room are the biggest revenue generators.

Add a bigger, more spectacular bar to boost alcohol sales since alcohol has a high profit margin.

Your bar and your dining room also can change the entire atmosphere of your restaurant attracting more local diners as well as hotel guests.

#4: Talk to Your Customers

To get an idea what might draw people to your hotel restaurant, ask your current customers and your hotel guests. Conduct an informal survey to get their feedback.

You might find, for example, that your current color choices are off-putting, or that your restaurant is too dark.

Your remodel is solely for the purpose of increasing the enjoyment of your customers, so it pays to ask them what they think.

Some things to think about include the décor, lighting, and seating. You might have a large dining room and several smaller rooms to accommodate private parties.

#5: Define Your Target Market

Along with customer feedback comes knowing what demographics you want to attract.

If you don’t know what type of customer you’re looking for, it’s hard to design a space that appeals to them.

Analyze the demographics and the trends in your area. You might be surprised at your target demographics.

For example, if you see that trendy young professionals are staying at your hotel or moving into the area around your hotel, you might lean towards a more modern, eclectic remodel.

If you notice that your hotel is filled every weekend with young families looking for a family-friendly eatery, then a more causal remodel is on your list.

hotel restaurant

Market your redesigned hotel restaurant to your community.

#6: Be Careful with Your Bookings

Your hotel is going to be noisy during the renovation. Do your best to schedule your guests’ reservations on the other side of your hotel so they are comfortable during their stay.

Do what you can to isolate your guests from the commotion.

#7: Choose the Right Contractor

Your contractor can make or break your renovation so hire the best contractor possible.

Shop around, look at reviews and make sure you are comfortable with them and their timeline.

#8: Be Hands-On

Yes, you have a contractor. But, you want to stay intimately involved with the process. This ultimately gives you control and lets you know what’s going on at all times.

Consider yourself the subcontractor so you can keep the lines of communication open and surprises to a minimum.

#9: Communicate with Staff

Your guests will most likely seek out your staff with questions and concerns. This is why it pays to keep your staff fully informed of your renovations and the progress.

You want your staff to be well-versed in the remodel so they can communicate how great things will be when it’s finished.

#10: Market Your Renovated Restaurant

A very important part of your hotel restaurant renovation is your marketing plan. (tweet this)

As you begin your remodel plans, make a marketing plan right along with it.

You can begin marketing your renovation from the beginning to maximize your efforts.

Offer locals special packages that combine dinner and a hotel stay for a night away from home. Offer hotel guests discounts on dinner.

You can push out your marketing through your website, social media, email marketing and other types of advertisements.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to increase business, then a renovation of your hotel restaurant is the way to go.

By updating and changing your interior design, you can differentiate yourself from the other restaurant competition in town.

Spruce up your image and modernize your space. This helps you attract more customers, and your customer pool is larger than you think. It’s more than just your hotel guests.

Not only does your renovation encourage hotel guests to dine with you, but it encourages locals to visit your hotel restaurant for the experience of your space, ambiance, customer service and food.

Finally, manage your budget throughout the entire process, and do have a contingency plan for the unexpected.

Have you remodeled your hotel restaurant lately? We’d love to hear about your experience throughout the process. Please feel free to share your tips and tricks with our readers!

Image: Sarah Gotze and Jung Woo Hong

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