How to Promote Online Ordering on Your Website

Encourage your customers to place their orders online through your website.
You already know that if you want to improve the success of your restaurant, you are going to want to offer online ordering.
Online ordering can help to increase your customer base, boost the amount of pickup and delivery orders you receive, as well as increase order size and make your customers more loyal, too.
But, before you can start enjoying the benefits of online ordering, first you must let the world (or at least your local targeted audience) know that you are offering this amazing option. (tweet this)
So, how do you go about doing so? You already have (or at least you should) the ideal billboard for announcing online ordering –
Your website!
Your website is the ideal place to announce that you are offering online ordering. Why? – Because it’s already linked with your restaurant. In fact, once your customers visit your website and learn that you offer online ordering, they can order directly from your site.
But, how do you go about promoting the fact that you are now offering online ordering on your website? Well, it’s actually pretty simple. Keep on reading to learn some easy to follow tips.
Formally Announce It
Cut right to the chase and announce it right on your website. Post a big headline or banner that reads:
“Now offering online ordering” (tweet this)
When making this formal announcement, make sure to include a link directly to your online ordering system. Doing so will allow your customers to simply click on the link and place their order!
From Your Menu
Let your customers know you are offering online ordering through your online menu. When your customers visit your website and peruse the menu, they will quickly learn that once they find something they are interested in, they can place the order online and just come in and pick it up. Talk about convenience. And again, don’t forget to link directly to your online ordering system so that your customers can easily place their orders!

You’ll experience a boom in takeout orders, thanks to online ordering.
Get Flashy
Another way to promote your online ordering option is by getting a little flashy. Put up a little flashing button on your site that reads something like, “Now offering online ordering”. It doesn’t have to be garish. Just have it placed in an easily visible location and make sure that it isn’t jumping off the page, so-to-speak, when it flashes. A little bit of animation will allow your customers to easily see that you are offering this great option right from your website and will encourage them to place their orders online.
Feature a Blog Post
Do you have a blog? Is that blog linked to your website? If so, you can easily promote your online ordering option by composing a blog post about it and posting the link to that post right on your site. If you have a blog, you are probably already promoting your posts through your website, so why not promote your online ordering system this way, too?
Once you spread the word about that you are offering online ordering, you will start to reap the benefits of this option in no time – and those benefits are pretty amazing.
Need help using your website to promote your online ordering system? Contact us today and we will be more than happy to assist you.
Images: David McKelvey and Rick
Good Article, With help this article we can promote online ordering on our site. But I am promoting my News site: Need help to increase rank all these keywords Hindi News, Newspaper, News in Hindi etc.
Great advice. You work hard to attract visitors to your site, but the reality is that most of the people who visit your website don’t become customers. They probably need more time and information before they make a decision. If you can get their email address, you have another opportunity to convert them into a customer by engaging them with additional information.
That’s why point 4 above is so important
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