How To Get More Facebook Followers For Your Food Truck

Facebook is an integral part of your social media arsenal.
To be successful on Facebook, you first have to have followers. While there are no magic algorithms to get more Facebook followers for your food truck page, it is possible to build a large, engaged community with a bit of work on your end.
Having followers on Facebook increases people’s perception about your food truck. So, after you’ve added friends, family and staff members as followers on your Facebook page, it’s time to concentrate on attracting the right audience. It’s time to build a community on Facebook.
The basics of getting more Facebook followers include following the right people, posting the right content and interacting on a regular basis. Additionally, you want to link your social media icons and information in as many places as possible. Be sure and promote Facebook on your truck and with a sign on your counter. Add it to your business card and your take-away menus.
Additionally, you want to make sure you are always up-to-date with your current location on Facebook. Your followers should be able to find your truck instantly. You’ll find more customers for your food truck using Facebook.
Now that we’ve briefly discussed Facebook page basics, let’s get into the details regarding how to get more Facebook followers for your food truck.
Create a Facebook Business Page
First, you’ll want to create and optimize your Facebook business page. Pay attention to your profile picture, cover image and short description. When creating your images look online for the correct sizes so your images look good.
Your brand’s about us section and description should be engaging and succinctly describe your food truck. Fill out as much of the page info as you can. Be sure to include your website URL in your description. Add your contact info and hours if applicable. This helps your page appear on Facebook and Google searches (increasing your likes, too!).
Gather Followers from Your Personal Page
We touched on this earlier. The first place to get more Facebook followers for your food truck is from your own personal page as well as those of your staff members.
Invite all of your existing friends to like your food truck’s page. Each time you get a new friend, invite them as well. This is one of the easiest ways to get new followers and increase your reach.
For example, if you post on your business page, you can then share it on your personal page. Your friends are likely to like and share the post from your business page. This increases the number of people who see the post and hopefully leads to an increase in the number of Facebook page likes.
Promote Your Facebook Page Everywhere
If you don’t have a link to your Facebook page on your website, stop what you’re doing and add it now. There should be a noticeable link on every page.
A Facebook like box is a great idea. You’ve heard of “keeping up with the Joneses,” right? The likebox, situated right on your website, broadcasts your follower count. Once people see that others like your page, they’ll be more inclined to like it, too.
Make sure it’s easy for your audience to get to and like your Facebook page with one click from your website. Include your Facebook share and like buttons on each blog post.
Include links to your Facebook page in all of your email marketing, all other digital marketing materials, your business cards and on your food truck.

Add a Facebook logo and link to all of your marketing collateral.
Post Relevant Content
Forget the hard sell. It has a very small place on your Facebook business page. It’s time to think outside the box. Learn about your customers. Determine their likes and dislikes and post accordingly.
Share cooking tips, recipes, local information, event info, your favorite music and/or movies. Then, look at your page insights and see what your customers respond to. The posts with the most engagement are the ones your customers appreciate. Create more like these.
Curate content from others, especially industry influencers. Share their content, tag or mention them, or comment on their blogs. As you build relationships, they are more likely to share your content with their followers.
Run Facebook Ads
Businesses often need to pay-to-play these days on Facebook. The good news is – you can see a return on your investment with Facebook ads.
You can even run an ad campaign to increase your page’s followers. Target the right users using Facebook’s Power Editor, and you’ll watch the new followers roll in.
With powerful, and relatively inexpensive Facebook ads, you can boost your posts to get your content in front of the right people. (tweet this)
Run a Contest
Another great way to increase your food truck page’s Facebook followers is to run a contest. Create a fun, easy and relevant contest and encourage your followers to share the contest with their friends.
You can also use Facebook ads to promote your contest. Be sure to follow Facebook’s Promotion Guidelines.
Promote on Other Social Networks
Cross promote your Facebook page on your other social networks. Running a contest on Facebook? Post it on Twitter. You can also ask your followers on Twitter, Pinterest, etc. to follow you on Facebook, too.
Another great idea – when someone follows you on Twitter, reply and ask him to follow you on Facebook. (tweet this)
Monitor and Revise
The last aspect to getting more Facebook followers for your food truck involves monitoring your Facebook page to measure and learn what your visitors like.
Using Facebook Insights, you’ll have a set of powerful metrics including post reach, number of engaged users, engagement rate and new likes. These statistics help you understand what drives your new likes and will help you adjust your content to get more new likes.
In Conclusion
Social media only works if you have followers. There are several rules to follow once you have followers to keep those followers engaged.
- Be consistent. Posting regularly is vital to your success. Don’t go on a week-long posting binge only to stop for two weeks. To be effective, you have to be present.
- Know your audience. You may think you know what they want, but in actuality it might be something entirely different. Look at your Facebook Insights to learn which posts and what content people like the best. These are the types of posts you should concentrate on.
- Be a good steward. It’s just as important to keep your followers as it is to develop new ones. Post what they want, when they want it. Respond to compliments as well as complaints. Be present and engaging.
Have you created a Facebook business page for your food truck? Do you have a lot of followers? Share your tips and let us know what tools you used to increase your Facebook followers for your food truck’s page.
Images: Bob B. Brown and Greg Lilly
With over a billion users as of today, Facebook stands as the most
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related to anything; just with an attractive incentive thrown in to
lure customers to try it out. It can be a great help, indeed! See how we at RestoLabs do this by just a simple click :